Promoting native plants and rain gardens

The Native Plant Giveaway at TPPC on May 15, was a big success with 30 people pledging to sow native plants in their yards. Everyone who came received a starter kit of three native plants and information on using native plants and rain gardens to support wildlife and people.

This event was organized by the TPPC Green Team as part of the Sacred Grounds - Caring for Creation Project, a collaboration of churches, mosques, and synagogues in Maryland and DC working to plant hope and care for creation.

Thanks to Roger Griffis for taking the lead in organizing this event at TPPC.

Table from TPPC's native plant giveaway with boxes of plants and people getting bags of plants, May 15

Valentín de Jesús Ponce Sánchez (1938-2022)


Worship Video and Audio, May 22