Announcing a Bible Study of Lamentations

During the month of May, TPPC will offer a Bible study on the Book of Lamentations.

Within the North American church, Lamentations is perhaps one of the most ignored collections of writing in Scripture. But as Soong-Chan Rah has written, “The absence of lament in the liturgy of the American church results in the loss of memory. We forget the necessity of lamenting over suffering and pain. We forget the reality of suffering and pain.” Not only that, but as Mark Charles challenged us in his recent presentation at TPPC, it is when we lament that God shows up. Sounds like a pretty good reason to re-engage this practice!

In response to Mark’s provocative work with us, and in light of the daily evidence that our world is not as it ought to be, the Critical History Project (CHP) invites you to participate in a month-long study of this brief (only 5 chapters) but a potent biblical book. While we will be focusing on the text itself, participants may want to order and read the excellent commentary by Soong-Chan Rah entitled, Prophetic Lament: A Call for Justice in Troubled Times (IVP, 2015).

The class will be hybrid, with in-person participants gathering in the church parlor at 9:30 a.m. each Sunday in May. Here’s the bare-bones schedule:

We hope you will join us!


This Sunday’s Worship: May 28th


Worship Video and Audio, May 21